People have asked if it makes me feel old to know that I will be a great aunt. It really doesn't. It makes me think my brother is old, though, since he's becoming a grandfather! Though, Phil is the same age as he is & our kids aren't even teens yet. I know great aunts are like way down the list on relatives that get a title when new babies come. Aunts are just, well, aunts. I've been Aunt Lori far longer than I've been Mom, Mama, Mommy, or MOTHER! When you get to be a great aunt, you don't get a new name. You're still just Aunt.....
I've decided that, since this baby only has ONE paternal blood-related aunt, that I should get a special title. After watching Prince Caspian, from The Chronicles of Narnia, and hearing the titles of the Kings and Queens of Narnia, I have chosen my royal title. I shall herefore and forevermore be known to little Bean as (drum roll please):
Aunt Lori, the Great!
As it should be.
i think that is the perfect name for you. i mean, you are so PERFECT. ;)
Oh and do you think I can train the baby to call Papaw "Boss Boss?" i think that would be cute.
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