My sweet niece is today's guest blogger on the topic of politics and Christians. Enjoy reading!
Before I answer the questions, I wanted to share with all of you that I
feel in process about all of this. This is my fourth election to vote in and I
feel like each experience has been totally different for me. I've voted from
different motives (and often wrong motives) each time. So none of this is me
sharing as an expert at all but simply from a woman, like you, wanting to honor
God in all areas of my life whether that's voting or grocery shopping. :)
Should Christians be involved in politics? If so, in
what ways?
Absolutely Christians NEED to be involved in politics...
and in every way they personally feel called. If you are over 18, then clearly
voting is a huge part of it. But before voting even occurs (or you turn voting
age) you have to become educated. My first election I voted straight ticket out
of total ignorance. I had heard that the Christian way to vote was Republican,
so that first year I did straight republican. I hate that I voted with such
ignorance and naivety (note: because of how I voted, not who I voted for). Since
then I have really study each issue and compared it to the current times. I have
looked at each candidate and looked at not just their character or religious
beliefs but how they have done their jobs in years past. I've studied and
continue to study ALL the issues not just abortion and marriage and see how they
line up with the Word and our world. One thing that I feel like should be
addressed is ways we should NOT be involved in politics. But I'll address that
in the next section too. :)
Does God's Word, the Bible, have anything to say about politics?
Sadly all I've heard about from the majority of Christians when it comes to
politics is really disheartening. I want to remind all of us of to things the
Word says for sure to us as Christians (there's no room for interpretation):
Love God and Love Others (Matt 22:37-38). I think we need to be
VERY cautious in how we share about politics. Unfortunately social media has
removed the filter for a lot of people. They've posted things too quickly that
can do a lot of harm. I've been so saddened after debates to hear so many make
fun of the other party/candidate and cry victory (this goes for both parties).
How we speak of each candidate (president, congress, etc.) matters. The same
rules the Bible gives us about slander, gossip, hate, etc. all still apply.
Because they've put themselves in the public eye doesn't mean we all of a sudden
have permission to speak poorly of them. We are still called to respect our
authority, and whether we like it or not, the government is our authority.
Parents especially should be modeling kind and gracious words and behavior for
their kids. In all our opinions, actions and words we should be very intentional
to be loving towards others and God.
2. GO and b
e a disciple (Matt 28:19). Remember that not everyone you
share your opinion with shares your same belief in Christianity. I have heard
from so many who don't share my faith how annoying Christians are during the
political season. Before you speak or tweet or status update, ask yourself how
this is winning others over for Jesus.
3. Be peace loving-- James 3:17-18 syas, "
the wisdom that comes from heaven is
first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,
submissive, full of mercy and
good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who
sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."
Along with those two challenges from the Word, I think it
is important to search out the Word for your own on all the issues. Ask the Lord
what needs to be a law for the whole nation NOT just what is my personal belief?
What are commands just for Christians NOT just what I want my world to look like
so I am more comfortable.
And remember, from what I've studied comprehensively
anyway, WE as Christians are the ones called to go and be the church. Somethings
I think we put too much pressure on the government to change things. We live in
the world, it will always disappoint us. We live with other humans, and they are
not a holy God we can put our full trust in. All that to say, be the church to
the world we live in. We may not be able to pass into law all the things we
believe most in and that's OK. :) Because that doesn't change how you can still
live. You can still have a strong marriage and model how the Word says it should
be (while loving your gay neighbors). You can still pray at school (while doing
it respectfully for your Muslim classmate). You can still chose life in your
pregnancy (and pray and support pregnancy centers and adoption and whatever else
you can do to help eliminate abortion). You can live within the means you are
given (even if you are taxed even more this next year because you have been
given all you need). You can still reach out the poor because that's what Jesus
did (even if the government doesn't help them). You can still pray for healing
for the sick (regardless of how healthcare works out). You can model faith in a
God that can be trusted (not fear in the god of government).
Should pastors share political ideas from the pulpit?
Why or why not? If yes, in what ways?
I don't think they should. I think it is really
inappropriate and divisive. Publicly endorsing certain parties or candidates
from the pulpit seems out of place to me. I have NO problem with them doing so
personally though.
(Optional) How are your personal political views
influenced by the Bible?
This has actually been what's made voting so hard for me, considering what
is the most God honoring way to vote every two years. Considering ALL issues and
also considering if they should be a law or if they should be something the
church/Christians should be doing is a challenge. Often times what I believe
personally is moral or Biblically acceptable is not the same as what I think the
government should have authority over or in. Also, often times there are issues
on each side that I feel strongly about as a Christian. At the end of the season
when it comes time to vote, you just have to trust that you've come to the right
choice for yourself. And more than all of that trust more in Christ then you do
in the outcome of the vote! :)